About LA & NY sales office

ROJEN® 美整オイルを ロサンゼルス または ニューヨークから


LA & NY 販売代理店 代表
太田光子 先生プロフィール

愛知県 出身
1953年 生まれ





多くの講演会を開催し、1998年より「一人でも多くの人に医療の正しい知識を提供したい」ということから、全米日系情報誌『フロントライン』に毎月健康に関しての執筆活動を10年間行った。 その他、現地雑誌メディアの健康&美容特集のアドバイザー的な役割を演じている。

Sweet Orange(オレンジカウンティー)、 Sports J(サンフランシスコ)に「薬剤師みっちゃんのもっと元気で美しくなろう!」、 Jangle(中西部)「健康サプリ」にもコラムを連載していたが、現在はSweetOrange のみ掲載中。





Born in Aichi Prefecture Japan in 1953
Graduated from Meijo University Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmacist License No. 156278

After working as a pharmacist in the medical field (Toyohashi Municipal Hospital) in Japan, she moved to the U.S. in 1979, where she taught at a Japanese language supplementary school. In 1991, she met the founder of a health-related company, was impressed by his stance on preventive health medicine and his management policy. Afterwards, she decided to join the company to make use of her extensive background.
Her main job is to use her expertise to develop products for the company and to educate people about the advancements in health and beauty. Since 1998, she has been writing a monthly health article for U.S. FrontLine, a Japanese magazine to provide her medical knowledge to as many people as possible.
She has also advised for health and beauty features in local Japanese magazines, such as Sweet Orange (Orange County), Sports J (San Francisco), and Jangle (Midwest). Through these activities, she has gained a reputation among magazine’s readers as someone who can be consulted about various topics related to health and beauty, and many people look to her for guidance.
She is also providing medical and pharmaceutical information in the US from Los Angeles to a select group of Japanese female pharmacists. She plans to work with Japanese pharmacists to introduce and amplify the reach of effective products in the beauty and health fields in Japan and the U.S., and to share knowledge about pharmaceuticals in the future. She has been active as a seminar chairperson since 2000 in the South Bay Management Seminar, a non-profit organization.